Our friends are happy to have Blue Chip as their OPB (Other's People Boat) and we are happy to have them. But this year, Blue Chip in spending the summer in Maryland, getting her ten year "nip and tuck" by the team that built her. So, we were resigned to no Maine this year.
Enter Abracci. Her 166 feet cut through the water, dodging obstacles with amazing agility. Paul and Judy were incredibly relaxed and gracious hosts, as only Texans can be. The crew of nine pampered the eight of us as we cruised from Camden to Pulpit Harbour, Booth Bay and Bath.
Steve and I now have a sense of what it's like to be onboard an OPB. We must agree with our crew these last ten years, having an OPB isn't bad - although even with the "nip and tuck" - our Blue Chip can't offer the experience of Abbraci!